“You Make Your Deal” (2012 Update)

“You Make Your Deal” (2012 Update)

Those were his words — wisdom from an old friend from my mid-20’s who went to Penn exactly 10 years before I went to Bryn Mawr.  Whenever there was a tense decision in sight, he’d help point out my choices and some of the possible consequences.  Frankly, his bluntness about making a deal sometimes irritated me.   Particularly when I made a foolish choice and the results were disappointing.   All  I wanted was a little solace, and he’d remind me about the conditions I’d accepted.  His harsh but truth-seeking mantra crossed the continent and at times has helped me figure out what really counts most.   I’m now 25 years older than my N.Y. friend was when he taught me about deal-making.  And I have something to add to his point of view.  It’s the wisdom of  another friend — who gently reminds me to keep an eye on my expectations.   We all make deals  — but we really never know how it will all turn out.  So many things can happen after we choose a direction  —  Does anyone ever really  know what will happen in a month, a year, or a decade?   Exactly why my friend advises me that how we set our expectations is what matters most.

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