Posted in Nostalgia
on Apr 15th, 2016 | 0 comments
My head spins when I see news reports about women’s earnings today. Can it be true that women earn 79 cents for every dollar men bring home? Back in 1982, it was even worse. About 61.7% of what men took home. (As you’ll see, for me, the pay difference was even worse.)
I was managing editor of an International Thomson publication called Brandon’s Shipper & Forwarder, 30 years old, working on the 31st floor of the World Trade Center in NYC — the highest placed female journalist in the national transportation arena. And I loved my job! What wasn’t there to...
Posted in Humor, Nostalgia
on Apr 10th, 2016 | 0 comments
I’m back in 1972, again, the week before I returned to Camp Hillcroft as a counselor/assistant dance instructor. I was catching up on sleep at home in Riverdale, recharging after sophomore year. (That was when I took Chem 101 to satisfy my science requirement, and burnt a hole in my favorite maroon leotard as I clumsily titrated with sulphuric acid… the one time that I was dressed for after-lab dance club bra-less… The splashing acid made my right nipple tingle and that’s when the unflappable Berlin-born Dr. Ernst Berliner threw a cold wet towel at me to cool things...
Posted in Humor, Nostalgia
on Apr 8th, 2016 | 0 comments
What… you haven’t heard my story about the time that Debi, Hilary, Cecilia and I headed over to Princeton for a Colonial Club party? All because Cecilia told us her new boyfriend looked exactly like James Taylor and she had promised to invite her Bryn Mawr pals to add to the fun!
I can’t remember how we got there. I do remember it was a Friday night in Spring, 1972 — weeks after getting a written warning for hitchhiking to the campus, where I had tackled some dusty...