Posted in Nostalgia, Uncategorized
on May 9th, 2016 | 0 comments
Have I mentioned anything about our koi pond before? It’s so pretty– right next to our front door. When we moved in two years/eight months/seven days ago, there were two rather neglected goldfish floating absentmindedly in a pond fit for a prince or two. A week later, Bill brought home two lively goldfish-like animals to spice things up, and then after considerable ogling, we chose our first-time-ever baby kois. Kois! Very smart fish who answer to their names and make us smile each time we look at them. Bill has fed them diligently and I’ve called their names lovingly, every...
Posted in Humor, Uncategorized
on May 2nd, 2016 | 0 comments
Whenever I start a new romantic comedy, I allow at least a week or so to concoct my characters’ names. (Exception: Elliot Recounte, my male lead in “Much Ado at the Mauna Kea,” cooked and cooked throughout the summer of 2014.)
Meanwhile, I’ve just revised my working title to: “Mostly When I See A Rolls Royce,” (previously: Mostly When I See Rolls Royces.)
I’ve wanted to write this story since 1979 — it’s my first enhanced roman a clef! Set in NYC and surroundings. Late 70’s.
East Hampton beach house smack on the ocean