Posted in Nostalgia
on Dec 25th, 2012 | 0 comments
“This is the most beautiful aria in the world,” I told the sage in the produce department, as an electrifying voice swept over the lettuce, encircled the cabbage, and gobbled up my heart.
Adam, who knows more about turnips than anybody else I know, smiled knowingly. “Yeah, somebody else just told me that, too.” Then, another vegetable savant put down his radishes and asked me, “What’s it called — I gotta get it.”
But I couldn’t remember the name. None of us could remember it back then, either. Back when Tott’s flashed it on our tv...
Posted in Tribute
on Dec 20th, 2012 | 2 comments
My mother-in-law died late last night in her sleep, and I have little doubt that she’s now back in my father-in-law’s arms — resting, laughing, home, at last. Far too many condolences to count in 2012: when I lost my mother and my father and now Betty, who just amazed me as she quietly inked in crossword puzzles and recognized every single song they played at Regency name-that-tune events. With sadness felt, she’s made it a trio, just months before turning 90.
But wait just a minute, also on this same dark day, in flew a delicately addressed envelope from Paris — a...