Waiting for Iselle and Julio … and hoping they’ll change their minds

Waiting for Iselle and Julio … and hoping they’ll change their minds

In case you haven’t guessed yet — I’m plagued by Erratic Patience Deficiency.  EPD was first recognized by the medical profession in 1952.  Few people bring it up casually.

My assistant, Cecile Simian, did a little looking around for me and believes that my case of  EPD made its way into all the medical textbooks and has been known to show up on surprise quizzes.  During the maturation of the pre-frontal cortex, when the brain of an almost 25 year old is spinning at 46 rotations per second, the odds of acquiring Pre-Adult EPD are remarkably high. And that’s what happened to me.

What I’m trying to say is that I’m not a very patient person … at times … maybe all the time!

And waiting for twin hurricanes to flap their wings and swoop over our beautiful trees and my messy garden and drench us with how many inches of rainfall just isn’t something I can do easily. Especially, today!

Bill’s done an admirable job of taping up the house to make sure we’ll stay nice and cozy inside.  We’ve moved the lawn furniture into the garage and hosted a well-appreciated pre-storm banquet for our loyal Turkey Octet… Their favorite Costco dinner buns with sesame seeds, non-GMO 21 grain bread crumbs (hand-fed or thrown up in the air), and we later added newly matured banana slices, after we caught them dragging our last mango off the property.

Iselle?  Julio?  A rain check, maybe?





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