Happy birthday, USA — Happy 25th to our precious house!!!

Happy birthday, USA — Happy 25th to our precious house!!!

I don’t know about you, but I’m wearing the same top I’ve worn on this holiday for decades.  The background’s navy, and the stripes are crimson and white.  I bought it ages ago in Lincoln City at the original Eddie Bauer outlet out here.

It’s July 4th today!  Land that I love.  I want to thank all the brave vets who were there for us when it mattered.

Also — I want to say happy birthday to the house that Bill and I designed together, so that our family-to-be would have a roof over our heads.  July 4, 1988. My editor at Pacific Shipper, the late and so truly great Erik M., flew in with his girlfriend from San Francisco, and we all gobbled up Chinese food, straight out of the boxes, cross-legged on the floor.

Happy Fourth of July!  Here comes the 1812 Overture —








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