Decoys at Indian Pond

It couldn’t have been more than a 15 minute walk from the nine story apartment building where I grew up.  Waiting for us on cold days and on the hottest days, too   —   It was by far the loveliest meeting spot I’ve ever known.  Pavers encircled the water and created a very walkable perimeter for celebrating joys and leaving behind the rest.  Leaves from tall trees fell on the pond  — our pebbles skimmed across to the other side.  Indian Pond belonged to all of my friends and not a single soul more.   A year or so ago, I read about a developer who envisioned opportunity (three new houses) where we once dreamed, and it sounds like nature won!  And now, today, I took out my Google-o-scope and read about a few decoy ducks brought to the scene to invite in more birds.  That’s fine with me — as long as they all get along.  I’m so, so glad that I invited my father and his Leica to visit one day  — his mighty photos tell it all so well — inside my house, along my way.,49130?content_source=&category_id=&search_filter=Fieldston&event_mode=&event_ts_from=&list_type=&order_by=&order_sort=&content_class=&sub_type=&town_id=

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