It’s true — I met an illio-holo-i-ka uaua at the beach

It’s true — I met an illio-holo-i-ka uaua at the beach

It’s been eight months since I left the Northwest for this delicious remote island, about 2500 miles away from my favorite T.J. Maxx …  When we can, we’re out of the house by about 7:30 AM, and about half an hour later, Bill is snorkeling and free diving, and I’m on my back doing the inverted breast stroke or treading across the sand to my favorite hotel. l know their two macaws pretty well, and I like to sneak a long peek at the indoor koi and catch up on my monthly horoscope.  On my way,  I run into familiar beach pedestrians who tell me about their plans for next year’s Ocean Film Festival, or we chit chat about their new life after decades of teaching and some recent encounters with dolphins.  Not to forget my unscheduled beach meetings with tourists who wear Roberta Roller Rabbit with grace and compare all the fusion restaurants they sampled.  And sometimes they confide details about the mainland and why they wish they could stay longer.

Two days ago, we explored a new beach … oh, what a bumpy road out to the ocean, that morning … but oh, my, you’ll never believe who I met there!   Illio-holo-ka-uaua!  That’s right. I sat for about an hour 20 feet away from the highly endangered “dog that runs in rough water.” Yes, I did —  I kept company with a Hawaiian monk seal!!!  Only about 1000 still surviving. And I got to meet one!

The Hawaiian monk seal is my state’s official mammal. No ears, so I don’t think he could hear me us sighing.  Grey coat, white belly and when it comes to dinner, a major fan of squid, lobsters, and octopus. Eight pairs of teeth —  but I never got to see a single one.

At first sight, I was truly worried about him. Was everything OK?  Three sneezes!  But my companions assured me that they’re just that way. Calm, reflective bumps on the beach. Passivity as I’ve never seen before.

Honestly, I just can’t stop thinking about Illio… Good chance I’ll never see another one ever again. Ever.





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